Power in the Hole
While our server was falling over on a regular basis this week (sorry about that), the wiring was getting done in the pantry. The needs for the pantry are fairly simple, so the wiring hasn't been too complicated.
We put a couple of pairs of outlets over the countertop that will be under the window, for appliances and so on.
We also have an outlet on the other wall for the fridge, which will be moving into the pantry when it's done.
We didn't technically have to do this, but the stove had been plugged into a really badly wired outlet (mounted incorrectly in the side of the sink cabinet), and the hood was wired into a wire that had been connected to the old knob-and-tube, so we rewired those as well (and removed an old, unused vent that had appeared to attach to the hood but was really just a conduit for water to get into the walls every winter -- we'll have to repair the roof there, too). The wire is now safely connected to modern wiring. And that unused vent pipe has been shoved up into the attic for the time being.
While we were at it, we decided that the scary wiring of the kitchen light was ripe for replacement, too (the bulb in the kitchen burns out about monthly, and the wiring is best described as sketchy).
The overhead lights are not yet wired up, but we went and got a couple of fixtures for them: a four-bulb fixture and a two-bulb fixture. Fluorescent, of course, because in California we have energy codes that basically limit kitchen lighting to fluorescents (no other lighting is anywhere near energy-efficient enough, and yes that does include LED). But lots of bulbs because it always feels too dark in the kitchen.
And in other news, one of the items stored in the old Nazi Room was the door to the former illegal bathroom, which had a usable knob in it, so now there is a fancy knob on our chicken house front door and we no longer need to hold it shut with a piece of siding.
(The chicken room's door is a bit tight, so it stays shut on its own. But another knob is called for.)
Technorati Tags: construction, electrical work, kitchens, renovations, shed
posted by ayse on 07/17/08