Puts Wind in Your Formwork
It was a cold and blustery day today, but we managed to find some time to work on the retaining wall formwork. I had a quick afternoon of finishing up the first bit of gluing during the week, so all the pieces were ready to be put in place.
We had to trim off some pieces of overhanging plywood as we went, but that was quick work with the reciprocating saw.
We also had to redig some areas that were either not as dug out as we needed or had slumped in to make the formwork not fit. That tarp is holding back a rose from attacking us as we worked. The roses wait for nobody.
The work today involved nailing the column formwork to the side to make the shape of the corner columns. Then we tacked and glued a chamfer piece in the corner. Tomorrow I can come through and glue the liner in place over that.
And there we have this day's work. We've still got some more to build on this side but now you can kind of see what the wall is going to look like.
posted by ayse on 05/07/11