A Window at Long Last
Last week Wooden Window finally got back to us about our window over the front door. You may recall they made several trips out to the house to install this window, and none of the windows they made fitted. This time Noel asked them to verify the size of the window before even making the appointment.
The window had to be fitted to our opening on site, so it was not just a case of stuffing the window in place and leaving.
Fortunately, they came prepared; everything they needed to install the window was in their handy van.
There was routing and sanding and all that sort of mysterious thing that makes a piece of wood and glass magically slide into place.
Bit by bit, the window was put in place.
And then there it was.
Looks pretty nice, huh? There is one little issue, which is obvious from inside the house but perhaps not as much from outside. The bottom frame there is a little taller than the other pieces are wide, obviously and inappropriately so from inside, less so from lower down outside.
I'm not sure if it matters as much as it feels like it does right now; it looks awkward against the dark wood, but when everything is painted white it will probably be just fine.
The window is designed to open from the inside, like a hopper, to help with air circulation. This will make more of a difference in the summer, when it'd be really nice to have more fully operational windows in the house.
posted by ayse on 04/26/12